Art Mosaic - the best exclusive solution!

Fascination of LUXURY

Mosaic is one of the most ancient techniques of decorative and applied arts.

The perfect combination of manual work, creative inspiration and high style create a truly stunning decorative and artistic symphony of of separately taken pieces and power lines.

Individual approach, 100% handicraft of top quality + unique feature of man-made performance – it has genuine luxury of High Style Club!

Designers, architects, decorators, and simple connoisseurs of mosaic art, knowledgeable in the field, in their search for an exclusive beauty and individual solutions, always resorted to the services of professionals - mosaic artists.

Elegance, comfort and luxury

Today  mosaic is widely used for decoration of interior, buildings’s facades, landscape objects, pools, sculptures, furniture; as well as for decorative element design and art panel creation.

A huge choice opportunities of modern materials and color palette allows you to realise the most exquisite and diverse projects ranging from ancient Roman and Byzantine mosaics and modern art, to large architectonic works.

Art mosaic is created only manually in special studio workshops and its real value grows with time.

Enjoying the beauty

Mosaic compositions executed for example in the technique of Roman or Byzantine mosaics, stand out with their texture, texture of materials,  and they visually convey to us the three most important sources of perception - color, light and shadow.

Owing to this effect mosaics are volumetric, sculptural and vibrant. Even a small light source lights up the entire composition with a calm flickering, showing expressiveness, sophistication and beauty of mosaic canvas. Natural stone, marble, travertine, mosaic gold, smalt, reflecting natural light create their own polyphonic shine. This is really grandiose impression!

Mosaic is longevous (its preservation term is unlimited). The presence of decorative mosaic in the interior or exterior of the building, increases owner’s property capitalization, defines the object’s elitist belonging to the High Style Club.

How we work 5 steps

1. Communication

You contact us by e-mail or phone, and myou receive preliminary information. Next:

a) you, your designer or architect express their wishes, send us a an image, sketch or photograph + size and area of future mosaic. You get our advice and suggestions in the choice of sketches, composition, materials, palette, manufacturing technique, project cost, timing, etc.;

b) We visit your place, take measurements, analyze and select composition and color solutions of the future mosaic, prepare for you sketches, upon prior agreement with you on the nuances and your opportunities. You get our consultation and suggestions in the choice of materials, palette, manufacturing technique, project cost, schedule, etc.

2. Approbation

After verification and approval of the preliminary work, the project mosaic work is accepted. You make an advance payment in the amount of 70% of the order value and our studio is embarking on a project:

a) order the preparation of materials;

b) making a mosaic;

c) installation of the finished product; *

d) maintenance of mosaics (conservation and repair). **

* we install or you mount yourself
** subject of agreement

3. Verification

In the process of fulfilling your order, we will send you photos of stepwise movement. This will allow you to keep track of the work stages and monitor the whole process.

4. Installation

Upon termination of work, the mosaic:

а) is transferred to you for stowage or installation by your artisan;

e) is installed by us at the envisaged place.

5. Finale

During the receipt of the order, you pay the remaining 30% amount, receive our recommendations for the care after the art work and enjoy beauty!


Maria Ross

«Maria Ross komanda prezentē Latviju Ķīnā!» - China Guangzhou»:
Izstādes apmeklētājus un dalībniekus fascinēja izcilā mākslinieka Vadima Eglīša fantastiskās mozaikas, kuras ikviens vēlējās apskatīt tuvāk un iegūt sava īpašumā.

Fr Theologos

Dear Vadim,
Thank you for sharing the photographs. I am very impressed with your work and progress over the past few years.
In the mosaic with the six rings containing the knot patterns and the K monogram in the center shows a high accomplishment in getting the curves perfect. Nothing looks off balance or in the wrong proportion.
The boatmen with the silhouette of the city and setting sun is an accomplishment in combining the right colors of tesserae to imitate the way light works: the bright sun as the brightest color, the distant buildings and clouds with low contrast, the nearby boatmen and water in high contrast and in general good use of color contrast in the composition as a whole. The bright reds balance the dim tans of the silhouette.
I see you must have made good use of your time to learn mosaic skills to this level. it was a good choice to find a master mosaic teacher to learn more skills.

In Christ,
Fr Theologos


Мы с женой увидели гондольеров и я обомлел. Лично у меня до этого момента, искусство мозаики не вызывало особого восторга. А это было что-то! Не мог представить, что мозаика настолько выразительна и красива! Респект Вадиму! Это Мастер с большой буквы! Поздравляю и завидую владельцу гондольеров! А сами мы стали владельцами небольшого и элегантного мозаичного ковра ручной работы Вадима.


Впервые использовали мозаику в интерьере... И не пожалели! Работы, сделанные Вадимом, были выполнены в разных техниках и все. каждая по своему, создали неповторимую атмосферу интерьера, сделали его особенным и запоминающимся. Мозаичные работы в доме - уникальная возможность приобщиться к вечному, нетленному ИСКУССТВУ.

27 + 4 =

Vadim Vernik +371 295-261-27

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